Inspiration Ranch breaks down barriers and celebrates the inclusion of individuals with physical, emotional, and social disabilities. We offer exceptional equine-assisted therapy and activities.
The R.A.R.E. Support Network (RSN) is a program, dedicated to assisting individuals managing chronic invisible illnesses resulting from trauma, such as TBI, DV and SA.
Cassidy Joined for Hope's mission is to prevent teen suicide. We provide resources, support and education to schools and communities in order to save our teens.
Angel Reach | Serving Kinship families, aged-out foster youth and youth at-risk for homelessness by guiding them to stability and financial independence.
Helping families navigate mental health and addiction recovery.
Any Day Above Ground is a Good One.
Creating Legacies in Montgomery County
The YMCA works with our neighbors to ensure everyone, regardless of age, income or background has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive, regardless of ability to pay.
We work h
Help send kids with bleeding disorders to camp.
We preserve land along streams for flood control, clean water, and wildlife. We envision a protected network of green spaces that connect people and nature.
Waste Not Want Not DBA Keep US Fed Montgomery County EIN # 82-3998256
Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County, TX (HabitatMCTX) is a non-profit organization that provides low-income families with safe, affordable homes.
Non-profit dedicating to helping at-risk and CPS involved children get resources and promote their adoption into forever homes.
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Building a more loving and caring community through service
Abundant Harvest Kitchen provides multiple weekly food pantries, Coffee Shop, Catering, Physical Fitness Training, Small Business Incubation and more.
Strengthening Montgomery County One Neighbor at a Time.